In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
app = pd.read_pickle('/Users/krystal/Desktop/app_cleaned.pickle')

category current_rating description id is_InAppPurcased is_multilingual is_multiplatform name new_version_desc num_current_rating ... review2 review2_star review3 review3_star scrape_date seller size update_date url version
0 Books NaN ~ ~ > A m a g i c a l f a n t a s y - ... 616686830 1 0 0 The Little Mermaid - A Free Interactive Childr... > H e y T a b T a l e r s , g r e a t ... NaN ... None NaN None NaN 2017-03-11 TabTale LTD 75.0 MB Oct 15, 2015 1.4
1 Books 4.500 445211116 1 1 0 Obeikan Store 16.0 ... It's greet app . 5.0 None NaN 2017-03-11 new Thinkers 32.6 MB Jan 06, 2014 5.0
2 Books NaN W e i r d & F u n n y T o n g u e T w ... 427342569 1 0 0 A-Z Tongue Twisters! The Best Fun & Funny Atte... U s e r I n t e r f a c e i m p r o v e m ... NaN ... I love it 5.0 None NaN 2017-03-11 Michael Quach 9.7 MB Sep 04, 2014 2.2.5
3 Books NaN 462186890 1 0 0 网易云阅读-电子书城免费小说新闻一站阅读 2 0 1 7 NaN ... 5.0 5.0 2017-03-11 NetEase (Hangzhou) Network Co., Ltd. 88.3 MB Jan 20, 2017 5.2.4
4 Books 4.875 i P h o n e i P a d... 952059546 1 0 0 微信读书 1 . 8.0 ... qq 4.0 1 5.0 2017-03-11 Tencent Technology (Shenzhen) Company Limited 75.4 MB Feb 13, 2017 1.5.2

5 rows × 26 columns

In [ ]:
app = app.drop_duplicates()

In [ ]:
for i in range(0,len(app)):
    unit = app['size'][i][-2:]
    if unit == 'GB':
        app['size'][i] = float(app['size'][i][:-3])*1000
        app['size'][i] = float(app['size'][i][:-3])

Convert unit of app size from GB into KB.

In [22]:
rating_df = app[["name","size","overall_rating", "current_rating", 'num_current_rating', "num_overall_rating"]].dropna()

In [23]:
rating_cleaned = {'1 star':1, "1 and a half stars": 1.5, '2 stars': 2, '2 and a half stars':2.5, "3 stars":3, "3 and a half stars":3.5, "4 stars": 4,
                 '4 and a half stars': 4.5, "5 stars": 5}

In [24]:
rating_df.overall_rating = rating_df.overall_rating.replace(rating_cleaned)

In [25]:
rating_df['weighted_rating'] = np.divide(rating_df['num_current_rating'],rating_df['num_overall_rating'])*rating_df['current_rating']+(1-np.divide(rating_df['num_current_rating'],rating_df['num_overall_rating']))*rating_df['overall_rating']

Add variable weighted rating as app's quality into data set.

In [27]:
plt.scatter(rating_df['size'], rating_df['weighted_rating'])
plt.xlabel('Size of app')
plt.ylabel('Quality of app')
plt.title('Relationship between app size and quality')

In [28]:
rating_df_2 = rating_df[rating_df['size'] <= 500]

In [29]:
plt.scatter(rating_df_2['size'], rating_df_2['weighted_rating'])
plt.xlabel('Size of app')
plt.ylabel('Quality of app')
plt.title('Relationship between app size(less than 500) and quality')

I plot scatter plot for app size and overall rating of app. The second plot only contains app with size less than 500KB. I find that there is a positive association between app size and app overall rating. Further analysis is still needed.

In [ ]: